Monday, December 12, 2011
लम्हे-वत्सल से पहले भी तुम्से मै इज़ाज़त मांगता हु........
ना तो शहादत ना ही मै इबादत मांगता हु.......
मै तो बस तुम्हारे नज़रे इनायत मांगता हु.........
कोई शक शुबहा ना रखना मेरी तरफ से
कभी ना बिगड़े जो ऐसी नियत मांगता हु.......
तुम्हारे एक नज़ारे-मुरवत की आरजू क्या की मैंने
खुदा भी कहने लगे मुझसे,मै ज़न्नत मांगता हु.........
इन आँखों को कोई नज़ारा पसंद नहीं आता अब
बस इन निगाहों में तुम्हारी ही सूरत मांगता हु.........
खुदा जो पूछे अगर मुझसे मेरी हसरत कोई
कहूँगा,इन आँखों में बस एक शरारत मांगता हु......
तुम्हारी बंदगी,तुम्हारी इबादत गर खुदा से बगावत है
तो सच है हर दुआ में मै ऐसी ही बगावत मांगता हु....
कही तुम बुरा ना मान जाओ मेरी किसी बात का
लम्हे-वत्सल से पहले भी तुम्से मै इज़ाज़त मांगता हु........
Friday, November 18, 2011
हर सोहबत सुनी, सारा माहौल मरा मरा सा रहता है .....
कुछ उचटा उचटा कुछ उखाड़ा-उखाड़ा सा रहता है.....
ना जाने क्यों आजकल जी भरा भरा सा रहता है........
मौत और जिंदगी के बिच का सफ़र भर है सारा
जाँ तो कब की निकल गयी है, बस जरा सा रहता है......
ना मजिल,ना मजलिस में,ना नतीजे ना कोशिश में
कही भी जी नहीं लगता, सब कुछ उजड़ा सा रहता है
अपने पराये, दोस्त दुश्मन सब के सब फिक्रमंद से है
हर सोहबत सुनी, सारा माहौल मरा मरा सा रहता है .....
एक मनहूसियत, मुर्दापन फैला है सारी आबो हवा में
इन सब के बावजूद यहाँ इंसान हर पल जिन्दा सा रहता है...
Thursday, October 20, 2011
बस इतना सा ही है फ़साना, इतना ही यार की इश्क का नगमा है
नज़रे हटे भी तो कैसे, सामने इतना खुबसूरत जो समां है......
चेहरे पे एक बिखरी हुए लट, मासूम चश्मो पे चश्मा है........
होठो पे एक कातिल सी मुस्कराहट कहती है फ़साना कोई ........
इशारा है, समझ सको तो समझ लो दिल में आखिर क्या है........
एक सादगी है आभा पे बिखरी बिखरी सी, निगाहों में इनायत
क्या कहे, देख ये नज़ारा दिल में ज़वा होते कितने ही अरमा है......
भवों को सिकोर के गुस्सा दिखाते है, कभी पलके झुका के रज़ा
कभी होठो को दातों में दबाते है, हर अदा में कुछ ना कुछ बया है......
सुन के बाते मेरी सुर्ख गुलाबी हो गए है गाल औ' आँखे शरारती
अंगूठे से ज़मीन कुरेदना, खुदा जाने ये भी उनकी कोई नई अदा है.......
ये महज़ तस्वीर नहीं इस तस्वीर में ही तक़दीर छुपी है किसी की
बस इतना सा ही है फ़साना, इतना ही यार की इश्क का नगमा है .......
Monday, October 10, 2011
नाते छुटने लगे, आखिर वो अब बेरोजगार है ..
ना मुरव्वत है ना मेरी जिंदगी में प्यार है......
ना कोई कहने को अपना अज़ीज़ यार है ......
वक़्त का मारा हु यारो, क्या बताऊ तुम्हे
जिंदगी मेरी बस एक लाइलाज अजार है .......
कितना तन्हा, अकेला हु मै इस भीड़ में
जिन्दा हु तो बस, किसी का इंतज़ार है.........
कहा जाऊ, हर दरबाजा बंद है मेरे लिए
किसी को जरुरत नहीं मेरी, ना दरकार है ......
हर लब पे शिकायत है, इनायत कही नहीं
गफलत है जिंदगी मेरी, बिलकुल बेकार है........
अपने भी अपने नहीं, सपने भी सपने नहीं
हर तरफ बस नाकामी, हर लब पे इनकार है .....
कल तलक आँखों का तारा था, आज कहते है
आवारा है, नकारा है, बेकार है, बीमार है..........
अंधेरे में तो हमसाया भी साथ छोड़ देता है
नाते छुटने लगे, आखिर वो अब बेरोजगार है .......
PS : बस अँधेरा छटने भर की देर है, रोशनी होगी
ये तो दुनिया का दस्तूर है औ, यही संसार है
सुन के खबर उनके मरने की रूह तक मै सिहर गया ........
सुरों का चमन था ,देखो आज कैसा उजड़ गया......
लफ्ज़ भी रोये,अलफ़ाजो को भी अनाथ कर गया......
गमगीन गमगीन है समां सारा ,कैसा बिराना सा
दोस्त तो रोये बहुत, टूट रकीबो का भी सबर गया ......
जिसके हर एक कता पे आह भरते थे लाखो
आज देखो, वही लाखो आँखों में पानी भर गया.........
अब वो नगमे भी गए और वो अंदाज़ भी न रहा,
आज जैसा सारा का सारा गुलिस्ता बिखर गया........
गुनगुनाती थी दिल की आवाज़ कानो में बरसो से
सुन्न सी पर गयी है काने,जब इनमे ये खबर गया.....
एक दौर था गजलो का,एक जमाना था नगमो का
अब न गजल है ना नगमे,वो दौर आखिर किधर गया.....
जहा से भी गुज़रे वो गलज़े और नगमे गुजने लगी
वक़्त का खेल देखो, आज वो शख्स ही गुजर गया.......
दिल से एक आह सी निकाल जाती, जिनके नगमे पे
आज वही जाते जाते, बस एक ठंडी सी आह भर गया ......
जिसके होठो की थिरक दिलो को धड़का जाती थी कभी,
सुन के खबर उनके मरने की रूह तक मै सिहर गया ........
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
कुछ भी नहीं मेरे पास, कम से कम जीने की कोई वजह तो दो
कभी मांगते हो यह तो दो, तो कभी कहते हो वह तो दो....
चाहिए क्या तुम्हे सोच लो जिंदगी में किसी को जगह तो दो....
दिल में तो हजारो बाते होती है, कितने अफसाने गूजते है
किसी के लिए खास कुछ है गर,इक बार उससे कह तो दो....
हम तो कब से निगाहों ही निगाहों में कह रहे है,कोई समझे तो,
हम तो कब से बेक़रार बैठे है, बस कोई इशारा कोई सह तो दो....
ना दौलत ना शोहरत ना शोहबत ना मुरव्वत ना मोहबत ना नफरत,
कुछ भी नहीं मेरे पास, कम से कम जीने की कोई वजह तो दो....
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
इबादत में उसकी बस किसी दिल को शाद करना...
जीने का कोई तरीका नया तुम इजाद करना,
किसी बेवफ़ा से ना प्यार तुम इसके बाद करना...
आज़रे- इश्क गमो के खार के सिवा कुछ नहीं
इस मर्ज़ से दूर रखे, तुम इतनी फरियाद करना...
हो सके तो ज़ेहन से निकाल ही देना ख्याल मेरा
फिर भी आये ख्याल तो कभी-कभी याद करना
मेरा तो क्या है,मैंने बहुत रंग देखे है जिंदगी के
मेरी खातिर तुम खुद को ना कभी बर्बाद करना.....
मजहब तो उलफत में है, नफरत में कुछ भी नहीं
किसी फायदे की खातिर,कभी मत जेहाद करना.....
दिल में खुदा है, किसी इमारत या खंडर में नहीं...
इबादत में उसकी बस किसी दिल को शाद करना...
Monday, October 3, 2011
फिक्र मत करो, यहाँ सारा इंतजाम हो जायेगा.. ....
फिक्र मत करो, यहाँ सारा इंतजाम हो जायेगा.. ....
तुम आओ तो सही, तुम्हारा काम हो जायेगा.....
बस दो चार दिन की तकलीफ है, सब्र रखो ज़रा,
बस ये निपट जाये, फिर सब आराम हो जायेगा....
अगर हो कोई गिला-शिकवा तुम भी कह लो
जहा इतने सही,वहा इक औ' इलज़ाम हो जायेगा......
बहुत कोशिश की, अन्दर की बात अन्दर ही रहे,
बस इतना होगा, अब ये सब सरेआम हो जायेगा......
इसीलिए कहते है शायद,नेकी से दूर रहना ही अच्छा
मदद करने निकला था, नाहक ही बदनाम हो जायेगा.....
Saturday, October 1, 2011
निकला था तब तो अच्छी खासी धुप थी, पहुचाते पहुचाते शाम हो गयी......
रास्ता मुश्किल ना था, पर मंजिल से पहले ही हर सड़क जाम हो गयी....
फासला भी कुछ खास ज्यादा ना था, ना ही बहुत बड़ा हुजूम ही था.....
बस हम ही फंस के पिछड़ते गए, और आगे ये दुनिया तमाम हो गयी....
अब तो हर मंजर हर भीड़ में लोग तमाशा ढूढते फिरते है , क्या बताये...
आलम ये है, लोगो का बस दिल बहलाने भर को मुन्नी बदनाम हो गयी..
जमघट अब दो ही जगह लगते है,सिनेमा के पर्द्दे पे या क्रिकेट के मैदान में ...
एक बार लोग सड़क पे क्या उतरे ,सता के गलियों में हलचल सरेआम हो गयी...
हजारो मरे कभी बम से, कभी महगाई के गम से, कभी नेताओ के सितम से...
पर इतनी कुर्बानिया,इतनी शहादत पक्ष और पर्तिपक्ष महज़ इलज़ाम हो गयी....
बहुत जड़ो जहद है जिंदगी में, कभी दो पल का भी चैन-ओ-सकून नहीं मिला,.
आओ बैठे कही,दो चार पुरानी बाते करे,लो दोस्त ये शाम तुम्हारे नाम हो गयी...
रास्ता मुश्किल ना था, पर मंजिल से पहले ही हर सड़क जाम हो गयी....
फासला भी कुछ खास ज्यादा ना था, ना ही बहुत बड़ा हुजूम ही था.....
बस हम ही फंस के पिछड़ते गए, और आगे ये दुनिया तमाम हो गयी....
अब तो हर मंजर हर भीड़ में लोग तमाशा ढूढते फिरते है , क्या बताये...
आलम ये है, लोगो का बस दिल बहलाने भर को मुन्नी बदनाम हो गयी..
जमघट अब दो ही जगह लगते है,सिनेमा के पर्द्दे पे या क्रिकेट के मैदान में ...
एक बार लोग सड़क पे क्या उतरे ,सता के गलियों में हलचल सरेआम हो गयी...
हजारो मरे कभी बम से, कभी महगाई के गम से, कभी नेताओ के सितम से...
पर इतनी कुर्बानिया,इतनी शहादत पक्ष और पर्तिपक्ष महज़ इलज़ाम हो गयी....
बहुत जड़ो जहद है जिंदगी में, कभी दो पल का भी चैन-ओ-सकून नहीं मिला,.
आओ बैठे कही,दो चार पुरानी बाते करे,लो दोस्त ये शाम तुम्हारे नाम हो गयी...
वक़्त के दायरों से भी बड़ी,हमारे रिश्ते की मियाद है
सबसे पहले तुम हो, बाकी सब तुम्हारे बाद है......
जब मिले थे हम,वो शाम मुझे आज भी याद है.....
चुप-चुप से थे दोनों,थोड़े अनजाने अनजाने से
आज भी इन अदाओ में, वही पुराना एह्तियाद है....
आज भी वही रौनक चेहरे पे, आँखों में वही हया
बदली नहीं तुम ज़रा भी, जान के ये दिल शाद है.....
गुजरते वक़्त के साथ औ' भी खुबसूरत हो गयी हो.....
तुम्ही से है जन्नत,तुम से ही मेरी जिंदगी आबाद है......
वक़्त आये या जाये, जिंदगी रहे या खत्म हो जाये.......
कुछ रिश्ते इन मायनो से बिलकुल अलग, आज़ाद है ....
वक़्त के हाथो में तकदीर होती है, ऐसा कहते है लोग
वक़्त के दायरों से भी बड़ी,हमारे रिश्ते की मियाद है....
Friday, September 30, 2011
मै दीये से तुम्हे रोशनी दिखाता हु......
तुम यही हो ना, मै अभी आता हु.....
बस आके, तुम्हे सबकुछ बताता हु....
कुछ खास बात नहीं,फिक्र मत करो,
अच्छा देर हो रही है, अब मै जाता हु....
कल फिर आऊंगा, साथ बैठेंगे कही,
फिर तुम्हे पूरा माज़रा समझाता हु.....
यहाँ कुछ भी यहाँ मेरा अपना नहीं,
मै तो बस पुरानी परंपरा निभाता हु.....
आज जब दुनिया चेत्नासुन्य हो रही है,
मै बस उर में चेतना के दीपक जलाता हु.......
स्व-वेदना प्रगट करना,मेरा मकसद नहीं,
मै बस सोयी हुए संवेदना को जगाता हु......
हाँ, यही रास्ता है,तुम आगे चलो,
मै दीये से तुम्हे रोशनी दिखाता हु....
Thursday, September 29, 2011
नज़र भर नीहार लू , गर तुम्हे कोई ऐतराज़ नहीं है..
गाना तो बहुत चाहता हु, पर आवाज़ नहीं है.....
दिल में है एक धुन, पर हाथ में साज़ नहीं है......
तुम जो बार बार पूछते हो,"क्या हुआ तुम्हे"
कैसे बताए, कुछ मर्ज़ है जिनका इलाज़ नहीं है.....
सुन के खनक उनके आवाज़ की अच्छा लगा ,
अब हो गया है यकीं,वो मुझसे नाराज़ नहीं है.....
तुम हकीक़त हो या ख्वाब ये अब तक राज़ है
तुम्हे मल्लिका-ए-जन्नत बनाता पर ताज नहीं है........
इन आँखों में बस तुम्हारी तस्वीर बसाना चाहता हु
नज़र भर नीहार लू , गर तुम्हे कोई ऐतराज़ नहीं है....
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
शायद आपने खुद के गुनाहों की मै सजा हु.
ना कोई जुर्म हु मै, ना ही कोई खता हु........
सच है, फिर भी मै रातो को जागता हु........
कल भी अकेला था, आज भी अकेला हु,
इसीलिए अक्सर मै भीड़ से भागता हु,.......
कोई कहता पागल है, कोई कहता आवारा,
मुझे खुद नहीं मालूम आखिर मै क्या हु........
ढूढता फिरता हु अपना ही पता यहाँ वहाँ,
कोई तो बता दो, इस शहर में मै नया हु.........
अब ना तो जीने की ख्वाहिश है,ना ख्वाब,
जीते-जी ही मर गया,जब से सुना मै बेवफ़ा हु.....
तेरा हर इल्जाम,हर तोहमत मंजूर है मुझे,
शायद आपने खुद के गुनाहों की मै सजा हु.....
Dedicated to one of My Dear Friends...who has bagged a job with desired profile with HCL and Departing to Hydrabad......hey RAVS..congrates....
बीता हुआ वक़्त अब कहा वापस आएगा,
है इक खास दोस्त, वो भी बिछड़ जायेगा,
वो पल जो साथ बिताये थे, याद आयेंगे,
अब वो लंबी लंबी बाते कौन बतियायेगा
जब जब होगी बात कोई, याद तेरी आएगी,
आँखों से दूर सही, दिल से तो दूर नहीं जायेगा
तुम कहते हो कोई हमारी जगह नहीं ले सकता
कितने सच्चे है ये वादे, ये तो वक़्त ही बताएगा
हर चीज़ नयी होगी,नया शहर, नयी जगह
नए दोस्त मिलेंगे, हमें तो नहीं भूल जायेगा,
जिंदगी में अक्सर ऐसे भी दौड़ आते रहते है,
जानते है, पर इस दिल को कौन समझायेगा....
जहा रहो, खुश रहो सफल रहो,दुआ है हमारी
जीवन अम्बर पे तू सितारा बन जगमगाएगा.........
PS : सच में दुःख होगा जब तू चला जायेगा .....
पर ज्यादा चिंता है, हमें C कौन पढ़ायेगा.......
बाकि सब तो ठीक है भैस की आँख ..
पर कही मेरा सेमेस्टर तो नहीं लटक जायेगा
Monday, September 26, 2011
कता एक खता
कल तक ना था शराब में इतना नशा,ये तो नशा ही कुछ और है.....
जाम तो कितने पीये ,तेरे आँखों से पीने का मज़ा ही कुछ और है.....
तेरे निगाह की तो हर एक अदा पे पहले से ही कुर्बान है दिलो-जान....
होठो पे कातिल मुस्कराहट उसपर यु शर्माना,ये अदा ही कुछ और है....
जब अंधेरा छंट जाता है, हर चीज़ साफ़ नज़र आती है.....
तेरी इस बात में, मुझे एक उम्मीद साफ़ नज़र आती है....
खुदा के दरबार में, हर सर सजदे में खुद ही झुक जाता है.....
तुम्हारी इस अदा-ए-इबादत में, एक जिद साफ़ नज़र आती है.....
पानी अर्थात जल तो जीवन है.जीवन से डरना कैसा.....
जीवन खुद में एक परीक्षा है, फिर इस से आह भरना कैसा...
हार जीत ये तो महज विचारो के भेद भाव भर है.......
फिर बादलो की छाया को रात कह उजाला करना कैसा..........
हर सुबह सुहानी होती है , पर एक पहर के बाद शाम भी ढलनी चाहिए ....
ये उम्र ही बहकने की है, पर किसी मोर पे तो जिंदगी संभलनी चाहिए .....
जब माहौल ही सर्द हो, चीजों का जम जाना बहुत लाज़मी सी बात है .....
सिर्फ सतह पे पानी काफी नहीं, दिलो में जमी हुए बर्फ पिघलने चाहिए ....
कहने को तो मै यहाँ हु, पर मुझको ही मालूम नहीं मै कहाँ हु,
दुनिया बहुत ही ज़ालिम है,इसके हर ज़ुल्म को मै चुपचाप सहा हु.....
अब तो हर कदम पे डरा डरा सहमा सहमा रहता हु मै, क्या करू.......
कैसे लौटू अब, बहुत दूर चलने के बाद पंहुचा हु वहां, मै आज जहाँ हु......
Friday, September 23, 2011
ये वाणिज्य शास्त्र का सूत्र और खेल भी बड़ा अजीब है.....
खुसकिस्मती कहे या दुर्भाग्य, कैसा देश का ये नसीब है....
महज़ बतीस रुपये दूर खड़ी है अमीरी, स्तब्ध, अस्मंजीत,
और फिर भी देखो देश की एक तिहाई जनता गरीब है.....
कभी कभी सोचता हु, कितना गूढ़ ये रहस्य है जीवन का,
जिन्हें अज़ीज़ बना सर आँखों पे बैठाया,वही मेरा रकीब है....
एक दिन की ही सही, आमिरी का ताज तो मिले मुझे भी,
या खुदा तैतीस रुपये दे दे,जिंदगी की ये आखरी तरकीब है.....
बचपन से सपना था."एक दिन मै भी गरीब ना रहूँगा",
अभी भी गले लगा नहीं सकता, जब तू इतनी करीब है......
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
न कोई मज़ा है, न कोई काम है......
जिंदगी तो बस ढलती हुई शाम है.....
ना हसरत है कोई, ना अरमान है......
ना कोई ख्वाहिश है, ना एहतराम है ........
मकसद भी नहीं कोई, ना रास्ता है..........
बिना कुछ किये ही हम तो बदनाम है......
ना चेहरा है कोई, ना मेरी कोई पहचान है.....
गुमशुदा गुमनाम हु यारो,ना कोई नाम है.....
बस चंद ठोकरे है जिंदगी में हासिल मुझे.....
यही मेरी किस्मत, यही मेरा ईनाम है..........
बस एक जुस्तजू है, किसी की तलाश है...
कुछ खास नहीं,ज़ीने की वजह बहुत आम है...
कल कलम थी जिन हाथो में आज जाम है....
वो आगाज़ था, ये मेरी जिंदगी का अंजाम है......
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Words: Happiness; Grief
When dear one’s become just near ones,
When own people talk in stranger tones.
When words starts being interpreted,
And when there is haste, everyone is being rated.
When emotions lost its value and words become
Sole expression,
When there is a fire over the ash, and everywhere
It’s just desperation, dissatisfaction, depression and
Frustration, frustration and more frustration.
My friend just be aware, it’s the time evil is engulfing.
It’s the time crisis is pulping.
It’s a phase of time where everything you attempt;
It will for sure go wrong, just wrong, completely wrong.
You will be more frustrated and it will be tough to be calm,
Hard to be compose and it will become pathetic with tongue.
The more you try to repair and bandage the patches and wounds,
It itch the layers and will be white blood oozing, losing the bound.
My friend just be aware, it’s the time evil is engulfing.
It’s the time crisis is pulping.
The damage has been already done, what to do now?
When you think, thought and thought;
What??? Where???? Why???? And HOW???
Your mind will be full of questions and jerking and more jerking??
You think deep to do soul searching, searching and more searching......................................
Suddenly you will realise oh..Holy shit, it’s so awkward,
So so so awkward?????
It was simply nothing more than few words,
I said; And the few I hear.
That s it just all nothing to make it so high, so paining
And so so tallllllllllllll......................
Those are just the few words, cropped a feud and now,
In not only the middle of house but also in heart,
it’s just not have divided but also build an Ambuja cement wall........
Now common symptoms of it will appear on heart surface,
A grief, A guilt and more to that a frustration in within, and finally regret.
That is what the words can do; it can take you high, and fall down too...
It can bring you crown at the same time it can snatch the chair too....
Words can make friends but then earn enemies too...
Words win heart but broke too...
So what to learn is;
Key of happiness lies in word,
Right words at right time win the world.
Tough time will come and same will go...
But hurting words, a yes will become life time no...
So be patient on time crisis is pulping?
Patience and time is a unique medicine...
It will heal the soul burns and can seal the broken hearts too....
So just let the hard time pass away that’s best you can do...
Silence is sometime more powerful than words.....
It can do wonders and same can be exampled and heard...
So I am concluding with it..Keep your precious words with you...
Use it wisely like gem because it takes lot more to create new.
When own people talk in stranger tones.
When words starts being interpreted,
And when there is haste, everyone is being rated.
When emotions lost its value and words become
Sole expression,
When there is a fire over the ash, and everywhere
It’s just desperation, dissatisfaction, depression and
Frustration, frustration and more frustration.
My friend just be aware, it’s the time evil is engulfing.
It’s the time crisis is pulping.
It’s a phase of time where everything you attempt;
It will for sure go wrong, just wrong, completely wrong.
You will be more frustrated and it will be tough to be calm,
Hard to be compose and it will become pathetic with tongue.
The more you try to repair and bandage the patches and wounds,
It itch the layers and will be white blood oozing, losing the bound.
My friend just be aware, it’s the time evil is engulfing.
It’s the time crisis is pulping.
The damage has been already done, what to do now?
When you think, thought and thought;
What??? Where???? Why???? And HOW???
Your mind will be full of questions and jerking and more jerking??
You think deep to do soul searching, searching and more searching......................................
Suddenly you will realise oh..Holy shit, it’s so awkward,
So so so awkward?????
It was simply nothing more than few words,
I said; And the few I hear.
That s it just all nothing to make it so high, so paining
And so so tallllllllllllll......................
Those are just the few words, cropped a feud and now,
In not only the middle of house but also in heart,
it’s just not have divided but also build an Ambuja cement wall........
Now common symptoms of it will appear on heart surface,
A grief, A guilt and more to that a frustration in within, and finally regret.
That is what the words can do; it can take you high, and fall down too...
It can bring you crown at the same time it can snatch the chair too....
Words can make friends but then earn enemies too...
Words win heart but broke too...
So what to learn is;
Key of happiness lies in word,
Right words at right time win the world.
Tough time will come and same will go...
But hurting words, a yes will become life time no...
So be patient on time crisis is pulping?
Patience and time is a unique medicine...
It will heal the soul burns and can seal the broken hearts too....
So just let the hard time pass away that’s best you can do...
Silence is sometime more powerful than words.....
It can do wonders and same can be exampled and heard...
So I am concluding with it..Keep your precious words with you...
Use it wisely like gem because it takes lot more to create new.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Gov. says Jan lokpal will create a parallel power, I just want to know in early days Gram-panchayat(khap panchayat) use to solve all short of problem, then why we installed a Judicial system with a large police force(which most of the case misuse its power to threat common public)?
We aam aadmi accepted that since we were innocent and police was mean to tackle criminals, same way Jan-lokpal has to deal only with corruption and if you are not corrupt you have no business with Jan-lokpal.So why this political arena is so upset and fearful over it. It clearly shows they are corrupt, specially UPA with multi trillion scams they have a PhD in corruption and hence they are the most worried people against Jan-Lokpal.
Adding Salt to wound, statement of one of its ministers Ms. Ambika Soni is "Is Jan-lokpal going to solve all problems, does it promoters take a guarantee that after it no one has to pay bribe for their wards getting admitted to school, no bribe for getting any work done from government agencies,of a strong favoring letter to be treated in government hospitals". Well said Ms. Soni but if this is the condition after 64 years of Independence out of which 52 years your party has ruled and then also you have courage to face the public and oppose a strong anti corruption bill, I salute you and your party WILL to fight corruption.Really I salute, no party can show more daring attitude than this.
If above statement is true than I am more worried about it. A corrupt person doing such scams like 2G, CWG, Defence equipment is understandable and an illiterate person appointing MR. THOMAS as CVC is also a logic that can be bought, but if a man of Mr. Singh intelligence and knowledge doing all this without holding responsibility is putting a ? on his ability and skill set required for such high post.I or India can afford to have a corrupt man(since some action can taken against him) as PM but having an incapable Man to hold such office is simply suicidal for the country.On part of his economics authority the inflation rate and real inflation on items of basic need is speaking itself and suggesting his complete incapability.
So that's the case, what you think of it??
YOU are supporting ANNA???
YOU think Anna's life has any value??
YOU want such incapable man to run your country who has million of capable ones on street?
YOU want to promote a mute Mr. Gnadhi??
YOU want an effective governance?
All these questions and many more need to be answered and answered quickly.What I have learnt in corporate is a commitment without a target date is no commitment.
We aam aadmi accepted that since we were innocent and police was mean to tackle criminals, same way Jan-lokpal has to deal only with corruption and if you are not corrupt you have no business with Jan-lokpal.So why this political arena is so upset and fearful over it. It clearly shows they are corrupt, specially UPA with multi trillion scams they have a PhD in corruption and hence they are the most worried people against Jan-Lokpal.
Adding Salt to wound, statement of one of its ministers Ms. Ambika Soni is "Is Jan-lokpal going to solve all problems, does it promoters take a guarantee that after it no one has to pay bribe for their wards getting admitted to school, no bribe for getting any work done from government agencies,of a strong favoring letter to be treated in government hospitals". Well said Ms. Soni but if this is the condition after 64 years of Independence out of which 52 years your party has ruled and then also you have courage to face the public and oppose a strong anti corruption bill, I salute you and your party WILL to fight corruption.Really I salute, no party can show more daring attitude than this.
If above statement is true than I am more worried about it. A corrupt person doing such scams like 2G, CWG, Defence equipment is understandable and an illiterate person appointing MR. THOMAS as CVC is also a logic that can be bought, but if a man of Mr. Singh intelligence and knowledge doing all this without holding responsibility is putting a ? on his ability and skill set required for such high post.I or India can afford to have a corrupt man(since some action can taken against him) as PM but having an incapable Man to hold such office is simply suicidal for the country.On part of his economics authority the inflation rate and real inflation on items of basic need is speaking itself and suggesting his complete incapability.
So that's the case, what you think of it??
YOU are supporting ANNA???
YOU think Anna's life has any value??
YOU want such incapable man to run your country who has million of capable ones on street?
YOU want to promote a mute Mr. Gnadhi??
YOU want an effective governance?
All these questions and many more need to be answered and answered quickly.What I have learnt in corporate is a commitment without a target date is no commitment.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
An Era Of Losing Hopes
A frustrating day at office begin at 8 A.M sharp at office and 6.30 A.M at home(A place where I shelter). Well Offices seem quite boring specially when there is nothing to do, though it has some benefits too, you will be well informed since you get plenty of time to go thorough almost every news paper opens on net. But now a day’s newspapers are almost a big waste of time, then the question is what as is there to waste in office?? So it’s better keep reading numerous of articles, news suggesting or say meaning only one and the same thing, “The system is corrupt and Swiss bank’s lockers weight is hyping up by taxpayers money”(which after traveling from different hands reach to its ultimate destination), money seems lesser and lesser with raising prices like mount Everest is getting higher and higher by deposit of extra height of ice. Frustration is building every where leading to negativity and brutally killing positivity. But, but but you also gain something in this condition of idleness, surprised?? Well you gain weight by sipping extra sip of coffee. I never been convinced that hard work needs extra energy hence more food, what I have observed that when you have nothing to do you are always hungry.
Well since politics seems not appealing neither did cricket(since its practically India-A versus West indies A). Selling of Ferrari and landing a loan to buy one BHK flat (Sachin)though has make some news on social networking sites(I will come to social networking sites a bit later) but I think it’s a nice way to protest against raising fuel prices and anti mango-people(common people) government policies(this way at least you will not be beaten by gov. police and then attacked by loyal Gov. Agencies).I have mentioned only politics and cricket since more than 90% of news in India comes from these two only, this is the bread and butter for news industry.
These social networking sites also seems to lose charm as there is nothing much to do there, There is an urgent need of new SNS since facebook and twitter are slowly been obsolete. Actually when a new SNS comes then its bring hope and enthusiasm that people will come to know about new people and there will be more happening life, but the bitter truth comes later that this is going to land nowhere and the bitter truth encounters that you need real places to meet people not virtual one.
Well then where to land with this frustration and what to do, in such condition people is quite optimistic that a change will bring something good in life so as I. So a change is needed, in terms of life routine in terms of people or place. A idea came , to have a girlfriend and there will be at least an emotional support, at the same time it will bring some improvement with a little excitement in boring life. A glance of dream come in mind that no more evenings will be lonesome neither weekends and day will also be goosy with flashing of a text message on mobile saying “miss you” occasionally . It have no bigger impact but ya it will give a feeling that some ones care for me which is great to know but suddenly I turned the head and eyes went on full size mirror on opposite wall reflecting my huge image and all such thoughts vanished in trillionth part of second, and I am back to reality. So this plan dropped.
Finally I left with option of switching place and that can be accomplished by changing JOB. I was always sure that it will not be that tough. I was called for an interview in one of the world’s largest two wheeler Manufacturer. I was more than a happy. As a preparing phase I inquired about the function and the feedback on interview suggests that it pretty hard to crack. I was thoroughly disappointed and thought of dropping it but The Vikas in me urged me to attend at least. I attended too and got selected .(that’s an interesting story..I will share letter).So what’s now? Well I must say HR people are most useless people on this world, they are giving me dates over dates(Tarik pe lord..tarik pe tarik aur fir agali tarik) and as optimistic I am waiting waiting and waiting. My patient start cracking after two months, I checked recruitment history and come to know they are even slower than snail is giving appointment letters.
So what’s now ? Well nothing much left to do have applied for one more JOB and again waiting for its interview to be conducted, but these all hopeless and boring conditions are making “An Era of Losing Hopes” in my ordinary life and so as in this corrupt and anti public and negative surrounding. And establishing the truth, Mango-people(Common people) are mean to struggle in slight shade of optimism fight with frustration , lead with life to live , to survive to sustain in an era of loosing hopes.
I always have been a man of action but today I request you wish me luck and pray my letter comes soon……………. That’s the effect of such situation it draw you near to GOD not by wish but because of irritation and frustration......
Well since politics seems not appealing neither did cricket(since its practically India-A versus West indies A). Selling of Ferrari and landing a loan to buy one BHK flat (Sachin)though has make some news on social networking sites(I will come to social networking sites a bit later) but I think it’s a nice way to protest against raising fuel prices and anti mango-people(common people) government policies(this way at least you will not be beaten by gov. police and then attacked by loyal Gov. Agencies).I have mentioned only politics and cricket since more than 90% of news in India comes from these two only, this is the bread and butter for news industry.
These social networking sites also seems to lose charm as there is nothing much to do there, There is an urgent need of new SNS since facebook and twitter are slowly been obsolete. Actually when a new SNS comes then its bring hope and enthusiasm that people will come to know about new people and there will be more happening life, but the bitter truth comes later that this is going to land nowhere and the bitter truth encounters that you need real places to meet people not virtual one.
Well then where to land with this frustration and what to do, in such condition people is quite optimistic that a change will bring something good in life so as I. So a change is needed, in terms of life routine in terms of people or place. A idea came , to have a girlfriend and there will be at least an emotional support, at the same time it will bring some improvement with a little excitement in boring life. A glance of dream come in mind that no more evenings will be lonesome neither weekends and day will also be goosy with flashing of a text message on mobile saying “miss you” occasionally . It have no bigger impact but ya it will give a feeling that some ones care for me which is great to know but suddenly I turned the head and eyes went on full size mirror on opposite wall reflecting my huge image and all such thoughts vanished in trillionth part of second, and I am back to reality. So this plan dropped.
Finally I left with option of switching place and that can be accomplished by changing JOB. I was always sure that it will not be that tough. I was called for an interview in one of the world’s largest two wheeler Manufacturer. I was more than a happy. As a preparing phase I inquired about the function and the feedback on interview suggests that it pretty hard to crack. I was thoroughly disappointed and thought of dropping it but The Vikas in me urged me to attend at least. I attended too and got selected .(that’s an interesting story..I will share letter).So what’s now? Well I must say HR people are most useless people on this world, they are giving me dates over dates(Tarik pe lord..tarik pe tarik aur fir agali tarik) and as optimistic I am waiting waiting and waiting. My patient start cracking after two months, I checked recruitment history and come to know they are even slower than snail is giving appointment letters.
So what’s now ? Well nothing much left to do have applied for one more JOB and again waiting for its interview to be conducted, but these all hopeless and boring conditions are making “An Era of Losing Hopes” in my ordinary life and so as in this corrupt and anti public and negative surrounding. And establishing the truth, Mango-people(Common people) are mean to struggle in slight shade of optimism fight with frustration , lead with life to live , to survive to sustain in an era of loosing hopes.
I always have been a man of action but today I request you wish me luck and pray my letter comes soon……………. That’s the effect of such situation it draw you near to GOD not by wish but because of irritation and frustration......
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
A Brief About Ruling Government......
A Great Scholar, a chair-greedy leader, A helpless PM: World’s Largest Democracy. Ya ..That's the condition,and finally the media interaction of our PM Mr.Manmohan Singh has reflected the Helplessness of the highest leader of world's largest democracy. "Well it happens in a Collision Government", I don't thing it is a valid reason of eating up or put the words correct looting up millions of billions of hardworking taxpayers money,well a PM must feel some responsibility and a nation must feel a sense of shame hearing such statement from a PM.
Now I think they need the complete autocracy so that they can loot the country with relaxing mood, luxury with no hurry and fear, that is the thing, otherwise I have not been able to point out a single reason, to destroy thousands of million, of again hardworking taxpayers money on malfunctioning of parliament, just for a cause that we cant be fair, transparent to country and demand of opposition for JPC is undemocratic and like one of demands of Naxalites after all its congress government,
which have habit of ruling, looting and depositing in Swiss bank without any interruption, since we always keep functional authorities as rubber stamps (i.e president (Ms. Prathibha patil, yahoo I remember it, my GK is good, CBI, rest all which can be a trouble..).I think opposition is mean to stop government to loot and do wrongs and has right to object, ask for investigation in probe and I don't find any more democratic way than JPC neither Indian constitution.BJP has run a very successful collision government and still running in few states but after six years of being in opposition and with all ill effects and trials of current corrupt government not a single probe has been mounted on BJP and the reason is clear, they had a leader, Mr. Vajpayee.
Finally the words of PM after announcing JPC that he did not want Budget session in vein so he has to agree on JPC thought it was not required, ya how can any interruption in loot be require by the Government.It makes me feel pure shame too say I am being governed by such impudent leader and most critical thing is that he is educated and educated more than anyone as, this put a question mark on the debate do we really need educated leaders?.
Now coming to the latest fiasco, I am a bit week in understanding farming and market dynamics, but still it not fitting in my small brain how the onion prices has gone to Rs.80/kg and with in a month again fallen to Rs. 10/kg, even less, where in India onion farming done with in one month when its recently been damage or so many natural causes has lead to crisis.Same is the case with some other commodities.No way this inflation rate is having any relevance with salary structure(no matter its gov. or private).
Finally Budget has been presented yesterday,PM said FM has done a commendable Job,I really really praise this, but this commendably done job not includes any new school, colleague, hospital and other basic need which India really needs, snatched right to live with dignity from middle men, (branded clothes and essential things will be more costly, petrol sky touching rates will see more increase, getting cured in ICU will need service tax on it), are special feature of budget.If we see an over view of budget it has almost 10 lakh rupee for each citizen, and ten lakh a year is good enough to change an individuals life. I wonder where this money goes. Since still none of poor people life changed in few past budgets neither will change in this.
Now My last point, Albert Einstein , I think he has the best brain available on earth till date, he had said he never understood the concept of income tax, why tax on income, if it is, it must take into the consideration of number of dependent on earner.One day I was calculating and an average or say common man spend their more than half money paying as tax, in direct or indirect form.(i.e weather you buy a toothpaste or car maximum profit earned by government including direct and indirect, almost 32% of price goes to government as tax). Lets suppose a person is earning 5 lacs a year and has 5 number of dependent on him how can he will spare 38K as tax when he is already paying more than his half as different form of tax and he has to cater a family of 5 person too.That's completely urological.I am a taxpayer and I pay my tax with honesty and want others to pay also, but at the same time I also want to seek knowledge where my money is being spent(though I know the destination), but in most cases it divided into political ledders and have a common destination, Swiss Bank.In our country there is and will same problems poverty, unemployment, corruption and its burden again come on hardworking tax payers in terms of new taxes.
That's the over view of Government:Learning from it :
1. Be like Gandhiji ke teen bander, close your eyes, shut your mouth, put figures in your ears and try to understand limitation of collision government.
2. Work hard pay more tax , so that more money can be deposited in the Swiss bank.
3. Don't do mistakes what Mr. APJ, Miss Kiran Bedi has done, dreaming about better India and expressing and working towards it too, not being a rubber stump, U will be simply thrown out, this government does not like interruptions in their development loots.
4. Don't at all try to point out gov. ministers or policies like MR. Lalit Modi or recently Baba Ramdev has done , other wise, a Well directed CBI will be put behind you, and so many other agencies after all government is powerful. Believe me they will simply screw you and your life.
5. Last but not the list, since we are habitual of it and its our chosen government so why to complain, keep voting congress, and enjoy the suffer.
Our goverenment seems quite worried about the political crisis in Libya and Egypt, but what I feel is if some cpuntry is suffering from real political and democretic crisis that is India, only India and now the time has come when all dictored country moving to democracy, I hope India will also move from dynestic autocracy to democracy, a real democracy.
Hope will have a good discussion on that, this is Vikas putting pen down and signing it off of the day.....have a good night and enjoy life.....
Now I think they need the complete autocracy so that they can loot the country with relaxing mood, luxury with no hurry and fear, that is the thing, otherwise I have not been able to point out a single reason, to destroy thousands of million, of again hardworking taxpayers money on malfunctioning of parliament, just for a cause that we cant be fair, transparent to country and demand of opposition for JPC is undemocratic and like one of demands of Naxalites after all its congress government,
which have habit of ruling, looting and depositing in Swiss bank without any interruption, since we always keep functional authorities as rubber stamps (i.e president (Ms. Prathibha patil, yahoo I remember it, my GK is good, CBI, rest all which can be a trouble..).I think opposition is mean to stop government to loot and do wrongs and has right to object, ask for investigation in probe and I don't find any more democratic way than JPC neither Indian constitution.BJP has run a very successful collision government and still running in few states but after six years of being in opposition and with all ill effects and trials of current corrupt government not a single probe has been mounted on BJP and the reason is clear, they had a leader, Mr. Vajpayee.
Finally the words of PM after announcing JPC that he did not want Budget session in vein so he has to agree on JPC thought it was not required, ya how can any interruption in loot be require by the Government.It makes me feel pure shame too say I am being governed by such impudent leader and most critical thing is that he is educated and educated more than anyone as, this put a question mark on the debate do we really need educated leaders?.
Now coming to the latest fiasco, I am a bit week in understanding farming and market dynamics, but still it not fitting in my small brain how the onion prices has gone to Rs.80/kg and with in a month again fallen to Rs. 10/kg, even less, where in India onion farming done with in one month when its recently been damage or so many natural causes has lead to crisis.Same is the case with some other commodities.No way this inflation rate is having any relevance with salary structure(no matter its gov. or private).
Finally Budget has been presented yesterday,PM said FM has done a commendable Job,I really really praise this, but this commendably done job not includes any new school, colleague, hospital and other basic need which India really needs, snatched right to live with dignity from middle men, (branded clothes and essential things will be more costly, petrol sky touching rates will see more increase, getting cured in ICU will need service tax on it), are special feature of budget.If we see an over view of budget it has almost 10 lakh rupee for each citizen, and ten lakh a year is good enough to change an individuals life. I wonder where this money goes. Since still none of poor people life changed in few past budgets neither will change in this.
Now My last point, Albert Einstein , I think he has the best brain available on earth till date, he had said he never understood the concept of income tax, why tax on income, if it is, it must take into the consideration of number of dependent on earner.One day I was calculating and an average or say common man spend their more than half money paying as tax, in direct or indirect form.(i.e weather you buy a toothpaste or car maximum profit earned by government including direct and indirect, almost 32% of price goes to government as tax). Lets suppose a person is earning 5 lacs a year and has 5 number of dependent on him how can he will spare 38K as tax when he is already paying more than his half as different form of tax and he has to cater a family of 5 person too.That's completely urological.I am a taxpayer and I pay my tax with honesty and want others to pay also, but at the same time I also want to seek knowledge where my money is being spent(though I know the destination), but in most cases it divided into political ledders and have a common destination, Swiss Bank.In our country there is and will same problems poverty, unemployment, corruption and its burden again come on hardworking tax payers in terms of new taxes.
That's the over view of Government:Learning from it :
1. Be like Gandhiji ke teen bander, close your eyes, shut your mouth, put figures in your ears and try to understand limitation of collision government.
2. Work hard pay more tax , so that more money can be deposited in the Swiss bank.
3. Don't do mistakes what Mr. APJ, Miss Kiran Bedi has done, dreaming about better India and expressing and working towards it too, not being a rubber stump, U will be simply thrown out, this government does not like interruptions in their development loots.
4. Don't at all try to point out gov. ministers or policies like MR. Lalit Modi or recently Baba Ramdev has done , other wise, a Well directed CBI will be put behind you, and so many other agencies after all government is powerful. Believe me they will simply screw you and your life.
5. Last but not the list, since we are habitual of it and its our chosen government so why to complain, keep voting congress, and enjoy the suffer.
Our goverenment seems quite worried about the political crisis in Libya and Egypt, but what I feel is if some cpuntry is suffering from real political and democretic crisis that is India, only India and now the time has come when all dictored country moving to democracy, I hope India will also move from dynestic autocracy to democracy, a real democracy.
Hope will have a good discussion on that, this is Vikas putting pen down and signing it off of the day.....have a good night and enjoy life.....
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